Re: Compiling gnome-mag, gnome-speech and gnopernicus

On Thu, May 01, 2003 at 04:35:59PM -0700, Don Raikes wrote:
> Hello,
> I just finished installing gnome 2.2 via garnome-0.23.1.
> Once the garnome process was complete, I retrieved gnome-mag, gnome-speech and gnopernicus from cvs.
> When I run on any of the three packages I get 
> the following messages, and no Makefile is generated.

*waving hand in the air*
Pick me, pick me ... I know this one! :-)

You have upgraded your gnome-common module recently and there are some
holdovers from the older gnome-common module floating around. A couple
of months ago now, the standard script was updated and as
part of the update it now has a brief attempt to try and work out if you
have not upgraded cleanly. This involves checking for

The general feeling was that the pain of this upgrade only affects
people building from CVS and, of necessity, the bar is set slightly
higher for them. However, I can appreciate the frustration that a sudden
bunch of build failures can induce.

The simplest solution to your problem is to delete the
${prefix}/share/aclocal/gnome2-macros directory and then reinstall the
gnome-common module. This should not harm anything else.


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