Re: 2.4 Proposed Modules - 2 weeks left

Hi Kenny:

Are you by any chance using Festival as your text-to-speech engine?

There are known issues with Festival which result in a large portion of
speech output being lost.  We are looking at the problem; again, this is
more of a configuration issue than a "user's manual" issue, though I
agree that more user documentation is needed.

Documentation and utilities that allow troubleshooting, or an "install
wizard" for gnopernicus that can help make sure a target system is
properly configured, are highly desired.  Please help us if you can, by
filing RFEs and bugs;  if you have trouble using bugzilla, then an email
with an enumerated buglist (with specific directions on reproducing the
problem if a bug, and explaining the user scenario if an RFE) would also
be helpful as an alternative, so that others can log the bugs.

Thanks and best regards,

- Bill

On Thu, 2003-05-08 at 14:08, Kenny Hitt wrote:
> Hi.  I need to start by saying I'm just a user, not a developer.
> I've been reading the discussion on modules to include in Gnome 2.4.
> The discussion seems to be about whether or not to include a web
> browser.
> As someone trying to use Gnome and Gnopernicus, I would like to request
> that a real effort be put into documenting Gnopernicus.  I would offer
> to do the job, but I still haven't got it working.  I have Gnopernicus
> starting, but it gives me very litle information.  Until I heard Marc's
> demo on acb radio's main menu, I just thought the program couldn't do
> much.  After I heard that show, I realize my setup still isn't
> configured.  I've read the Gnopernicus sight at least 10 times, and
> still don't get much from it.  I didn't understand how to use the focus
> tracking review mode until I heard marc using it.
> I'm sure this is a great product, but without docs or a help system, it
> isn't usable.
>           Kenny
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