Re: gnome-control-center accessible?

Hmm, well this sounds like libgail-gnome might not be installed or working correctly. Is libgail-gnome installed?
I demoed this on my second Main Menu presentation with a version of GNOME 
built from cvs head on RedHat 8.0, so not sure why it wouldn't be working.

At 04:37 PM 5/20/2003 -0400, jacobs surferie net wrote:
I've just tried to access the gnome-control-center on my redhat 9.0 box.
What I here, on the first item is:
table line preferences
arrow down and I hear: table line more preferences
OK, that seems fine. When I tab over to the list of items, all I get are the
words "layered pain." Arrowing around reads nothing. I can tell its working,
as I can arrow around and hit enter and the respective dialogs pop up. The
dialogs read fine, it's just the list. Anyone know how to fix this?
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