Re: Help with Demoing Gnome A11Y

I cant answer much of your questions, but those I can, Ill try.

Rodd Clarkson <r-list clarkson id au> writes:

> Is it possible to get gnopernicus running without hardware items like
> text-speech or braille outputs?

Yes, libgnome-speech provides support for Festival,
a free, software-based text-to-speech engine.  So you basicly
only need a working soundcard.

> Any other suggestions on what I should be showing them?

This may or may not be relevant and helpful for you, but
Debian's unstable distribution is currently at a point where
you can install the gnopernicus package and it should
work out of the box, without the need to compile a whole GNOME 2.2 afresh, or
something like that.

  Mario | Debian Developer <URL:>
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