Missing Bonobo Activation 2.0?

Hi, list.
I have a dependancy issue with compiling the latest java-access-bridge and
gnome-speech drivers. Both of them say I am missing bonobo-activation 2.0
and libspi 1.3.4.
However, I have libspi 1.3.7-1mdk and i don't understand if I am running a
newer version of libspi than is required why the configure says I am missing
that dependancy.
As for bonobo activation I am not sure what is missing. I have installed all
libbonobo packages, devel pac kages, and bonobo packages and the bonobo
activation still blows up. I can not find any such packages called
bonobo-activation that it is talking about.
 Any suggestions, help, or ideas?

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