Re: browsing with mozilla--is it possible yet?

At 12:04 PM 26/04/2004, Jacob Schmude wrote:
Hi all
Has anyone been able to use mozilla even somewhat successfully with
gnopernicus? I have mozilla 1.6 compiled with accessibility support,
dropline-gnome 2.6, and gnopernicus 0.8.4. My experience hasn't been
positive. The only thing I can get it to read is the menu bar and form
fields on web pages. It won't read links, let alone let me browse with the
arrow keys even when caret browsing is turned on. Has anyone used mozilla
to the point where you can navigate a very basic web page? If so, how did
you get it working?

I am proud to say that I certainly have used Mozilla. I suggest you upgrade to at least Mozilla version 1.7b as this is what I am currently using, and can navigate pages like Google with no problem.

The only annoying thing about browsing with Mozilla is that it keeps saying things like no description and multi-lined text. Does anybody know if that can be turned off? All I want to do is read the text.

Another quirk is the fact that the carrot mode always seems to start at the bottom of the page. CTRL+Home doesn't always help this either.

Browsing is quite responsive however, and I am really impressed.


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