Re: ATK state documentation

I'm sorry, this still doesn't explain anything. Perhaps it's because I don't know GTK well enough.
What is a consistent/inconsistent toggle button?

What is the broader meaning of the "sensitive" state, as opposed to giving specific examples where it's used?
- Aaron

padraig o'briain wrote:

I have looked more deeply and found that we do use this state to distinguish between an consistent and inconsistent GtkToggleButton.

I will update the documentation.


Aaron Leventhal wrote:
What is it going to mean in the future? Or, what was the intention when
creating it separately from the enabled state?

If it serves no purpose I suggest removing it, because right now it's
only confusing things. At least the docs should help clear the confusion.

- Aaron

padraig o'briain wrote:

For AtkObjects which correspond to GtkWIdget, it is currently synonymous with ATK_STATE_ENABLED.


Aaron Leventhal wrote:

ATK_STATE_SENSITIVE Indicates this object is sensitive

Gogmagotical. Of or related to gogmagog.

What is a better description of this state? How does it relate to

- Aaron

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