Re: the best way to start gnome

Regarding starting gnopernicus and accessibility in gnome:
As a blind individual it is difficult to get things started this way.
GNOME's settings (and those in gnopernicus) are primarily controlled by something called "gconf". Another non-deprecated way of setting these keys is to use the "gconftool-2" command, which I believe you can do from a text console while your gnome session is running in the graphical console. Once you have set a gconf key, its value will persist through your subsequent sessions (unless something else, like using a dialog, changes it). The accessibility key is turned on by:
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility true

You can ask for gnopernicus to start up at each login with this command:

gconftool-2 -t list --list-type=string -s /desktop/gnome/accessibility/startup/exec_ats [gnopernicus]
And you can tell gnopernicus whether to use speech, braille, or 
magnification (or all of the above) with these keys:

You'll need to set them via gconftool-2, using the "-s" (set) command, and "-t" (type) "bool" (boolean), i.e.
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /apps/gnopernicus/srcore/sp_active true

I believe that by default gnopernicus will enable both speech and braille, and will attempt to speak the initial dialog with the buttons mentioned in a previous post. But in some configurations the default voice settings may not work well, or your braille device might not be recognized, so this won't always provide a good "bootstrapping" solution. In such cases, you can use the commandline method above.


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