Re: Progress of Gnopernicus

Peter Korn writes:
> From: Peter Korn <Peter Korn Sun COM>
> Hi Saqib,
> > Just wondering if there are any of the Gnopernicus developers on this list.
> > I occasionally take a look at the ChangeLog, and can't help feeling, as a
> > blind user, that fundamental problems with its useability are not being met.
> > Just wondering if there is any roadmap for where Gnopernicus should be
> > before Gnome 2.6?
> What do you feel are the fundamental problems with Gnopernicus usability? 

st the problem I believe I reported last month for which I've not seen
any response. If I missed the response, I'm sorry.

I'm having trouble keeping Gnopernicus running. This is on a updated
Fedora Core 1.0, and it happens regardless of the software speech I may
use (I have all four of them).

In summary, if I start Gnome (with Gnopernicus) and then immediately
logout, all the processes launched by my login are not closed. And,
indeed, I cannot successfully login again unless I go to a console and
kill the remaining pids by hand. Here's my report:

1.)	I log in and Gnopernicus starts.

2.)	I change consoles and get the following:

  ps -U janina
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 4244 ?        00:00:00 gnome-session
 4334 ?        00:00:00 bonobo-activati
 4336 ?        00:00:00 at-spi-registry
 4338 ?        00:00:00 gconfd-2
 4343 ?        00:00:00 gnome-settings-
 4356 ?        00:00:00 xscreensaver
 4362 ?        00:00:00 metacity
 4372 ?        00:00:00 gnome-panel
 4374 ?        00:00:00 nautilus
 4376 ?        00:00:00 magicdev
 4381 ?        00:00:00 eggcups
 4383 ?        00:00:00 pam-panel-icon
 4385 ?        00:00:00 rhn-applet-gui
 4390 ?        00:00:00 gnopernicus
 4392 ?        00:00:00 pam_timestamp_c
 4393 ?        00:00:00 srcore
 4421 ?        00:00:00 dectalk-synthes
 4423 ?        00:00:00 notification-ar
 4425 ?        00:00:00 mapping-daemon
 4427 ?        00:00:00 mixer_applet2
 4429 ?        00:00:00 wnck-applet
 4439 ?        00:00:00 theta-synthesis
 4441 ?        00:00:00 festival-synthe
 4443 ?        00:00:00 festival
 4444 ?        00:00:00 audsp

3.)	Immediately, I go and logout via Alt-F1, up-arrow, etc. The
logout is uneventful and returns the GDM login box (with its very
helpful beep).

4.)	Now, when I go issue the same command from a text console, I

ps -U janina

  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 4334 ?        00:00:00 bonobo-activati
 4338 ?        00:00:00 gconfd-2
 4421 ?        00:00:00 dectalk-synthes
 4439 ?        00:00:00 theta-synthesis
 4441 ?        00:00:00 festival-synthe
 4443 ?        00:00:00 festival
 4444 ?        00:00:00 audsp

5.)	I find I cannot login again to the GNOME desktop unless I kill
these pids by hand.

One more point of interest on my hangs.

As I mentioned, my system will lock. Sometimes I can't even switch to a
text console.

However, if I'm logged in from another machine via SSH, I can regain
control by killing the open GNOME processes over my ssh session.

Something interesting happens when I do this. If I asked for a audio
file to play before killing them, I don't hear it until after I kill the
pids for the gui. Then it plays.

This is with Gnopernicus 0.7.0, gnome-speech 0.2.7 and a nonstock ALSA 1.0.0-1 from Stanford's Planet CCRMA
repository, though I built it from source on my system:

Janina Sajka
Email: janina rednote net		
Phone: (202) 408-8175

Director, Technology Research and Development
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Chair, Accessibility Work Group
Free Standards Group
> you filed bugs/RFEs for any/all of these (and if so, what are the bugzilla bug
> numbers).
> I know the Gnopernicus maintainers, and the entire accessibility team at Sun,
> are very interested in feedback, especially from blind users.
> Regards,
> Peter Korn
> Sun Accessibility team
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Email: janina rednote net		
Phone: +1 (202) 408-8175

Director, Technology Research and Development
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Chair, Accessibility Work Group
Free Standards Group

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