Re: Switching languages in Gnopernicus, is it possible?

Hi Krister,

Hi, i use Festival right now for my software synth in Gnome 2.6. Would it at all be possible to switch languages using Festival and the Mbrola voices, one of them is a swedish voice that i sould like to use. How would this be accomplished if it's possible at all?
Thanks for any help on this matter.

I don't think so. The job of generating speech can be roughly broken down into two parts: turning the ASCII/Unicode characters into phonemes (and adds prosidy and a bunch of other things); and turning the phonemes into a sound wave. Festival does both for English. Mbrola does only the latter part for a bunch of languages. In order to use Mbrola, you need software the converts the text characters into phonemes for Swedish.


Peter Korn
Sun Accessibility team

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