Re: Tips for gnopernicus and Debian?

I find your experiences all too common in the realm of gnome testing.
gnopernicus should run irrespective of the linux distro.  I'm running
slackware, for example, you're running debian, others redhat, gentoo, etc.
A couple weeks ago I decided to create a gnome account on my box and
install garnome.  gnopernicus isn't running to my satisfaction yet, but at
least I know what packages were installed and where they came from.  

I suspect that one reason for the lack of activity on this particular list
is that many folks have come up empty on getting positive results from
gnopernicus.  The advantage of the garnome approach is that it should be
more or less distro independent.  It also allows you tha ability to install updated
versions of packages.  

Using a standardized installation we should be able to duplicate each
other's experiences and hence provide assistance.  With everyone running
different distros and flavors of such, how can we hope to make significant
progress in testing and bug resolution.  

Ok, I'll get off the soapbox now but hope the gnome community can come up
with a standard development/testing environment.  Aside from that perhaps
the accessibility user community can agree on such amongst themselves.

Hope you have some success soon.


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