Re: Trying out ATK / AT-SPI


It sounds like you want to write what we would an Assisteive Technology program; other examples are gok, gnopernicus and dasher.

Heh, sounds like I stated the obvious there :D. At least I´ve found the right place to do it then.

AT-SPI is the interface you want to write to not ATK, which is used in the application program you hope to control. If you download the latest at-spi source tarball you should get its documentation.

Will do and have done that. I´ll start pooring through the source over the next couple of days.

Thank you,



Jacob Uhrenholt wrote:
Hey all,

I'm new to the gnome accessibility concept, but from what I can read
this could very well be what I need. Before I delve head-on into this
however, I'd like to run this by everyone here to get a
bearing on whether or not I'm on the right track.

I need to be able to control a gnome app using a remote control
(i.e. using the up/down, left/right buttons to signal my app - cycling
through widgets for instance). Using an onscreen keyboard or an
alternate interaction app like gok directly is not an option - only my
own application may be visible. As I said, I think this can be
accomplished (gok can, so I should be able to do it as well :D), but
I'd like a second oppinion.

With that said: I've been looking about the net for some in-depth
information about ATK and AT-SPI, but have yet to strike gold so to
speak (well, except these nice folk - I'm specifically looking for
manuals and working examples. I'd appreciate any pointers you might have.


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