Re: running gui apps from consul

danilo gnome org (Danilo Šegan) writes:

> Today at 18:57, "hank" <hank hanksmith net> wrote:
>> hello some one told me that there was something called think it was
>> called cursed it allowed gui apps with consul can I get url to
>> program, and views on how well this works? 
> It's probably Gtk+ ported to "curses" or "ncurses"[1] library what
> you're referring to.  You can find it at 
> It's not really a GUI, it's basically "full-screen" text UI, and since
> Gtk+ applications are rarely designed to fit requirements of a
> text-only display, they won't necessarily work very well.
> OTOH, you can run almost full Gtk+ on Linux framebuffers using
> DirectFB port of Gtk+[2]. What will suit you better depends on what
> you're after.

Framebuffer displays are not accessible to blind users.


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