Re: Gnome and support for the visually impaired


There is no doubt that Gnome access is, at the moment, inferior to Windows access for visually impaired people. However, those of us who were using computers when Windows started will remember the problems we had then. I, for one, appreciate very much the work that's being done around the world to make Gnome and KDE accessible as well as the work being done on terminal access. I've no doubt that we'll soon have access to Gnome to the same extent as we have to Windows - the only difference being that we won't have to pay thousands of dollars for the pleasure. Full marks to all those people who work hard to make it happen. it's up to us, the users, to provide positive criticism and pass on what we perceive as weaknesses to those who have the knowledge and energy to improve the situation.

Bertil Smark Nilsson

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