left hand mouse

I have a laptop toshiba (centrino) with SuSE 9.2 installed and I usually have 
Now my son is starting school and is starting to use the computer. He uses the 
left hand to write so I tryed to change, in KDE, the mouse setting to a left 
hand mouse but i discovered that the middle button didn't work. So someone 
advice me to try with GNOME that has mmore extensive accessibility feature.
The version of gnome installed is the 2.6 I use an PS2 to USB conector for an 
external keyboard an usb wireless mouse.
I tryed to set in setting->hardware->mouse the lefthand mouse but it does'nt 
work at all further the numeric pad of the keyboard doesn't work and the 
arrow and PGup PDdw keys all work as Alt-PrtScr starting the screenshot 
The keyboard behaviour is not experimented on KDE.
Does anybody help?
Thank in advance

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