Re: running the live cd

I'm seeing the error. At least on my system it's a crash of gnome-panel. I've done an update of packages, thinking that might help it didn't. I also took my x display down from 24-bit color to 16, thinking maybe that would make a difference since information in the .xsession-errors file hinted at my color depth was to high. That didn't work either. I don't have gnopernicus running right now, orca doesn't work either, no sighted assistance right now but i'm assuming i'm getting the same error from gnome-panel.
   Any help appreciated.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Petra Ritter" <petra access-for-all ch>
To: <gnome-accessibility-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: running the live cd



I have been trying to run the live CD of Ubuntu.
I put the CD in the drive, wait while the drive churns around, I keep
waiting and then it just goes into Ubuntu.
That is to late.

When am I supposed to press F5 to chose the accessability?
Am I supposed to wait until it goes into Ubuntu itself when I hear the
startup sound or am I supposed to just wait a few seconds and press F5
before it goes into Ubuntu before I press the down arrow 3 times?
You have to listen to the CD-drive very closely.
After a flew seconds it stops to spin the first time, this is the
right time to press F5 and to choice the option blindness. After that
you have to press enter to continue the boot process.
It is not easy if you are totally blind.

There seams a bug in gnopernicus or in gnome, too.
I tried the it on 3 different PCs but Gnopernicus did not speak after
the systems was up and runing.

You can try to exit Gnopernicus pressing Alt+F4 and to bring the run
dialog up (Alt+F2) and typing gnopernicus in. However it is likely that
you get an error saying Gnopernicus is running allready.
Somebody posted a flew weeks agou an work around for this error but I
did not understand it.

I want to see if I can get Ubuntu with Gnopernicus working as a Live
version on my desktop before I install it but I have no Sight at all and
nobody to help me as I live alone.
I am intresting in your expirence with the Live CD.

Best regards


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