Re: Evince accessibility (was Re: [orca-list] sayAll command not working in adobe reader)

hi wili,

On 23/06/2008, Willie Walker <William Walker sun com> wrote:
> Hi Krishnakant:
> What we need is a good hacker with the right skills to step up and
> deliver on the GOPA task to make Evince more accessible:
yes you are right and it needs to be taken very seriously.
> If anyone knows of such a hacker, or you are a hacker, please raise your
> hand.  :-)
I have been raising my hand since quite long but don't know where
actually to start.
as a matter of fact wili, if you remember, I had asked some starting
point to script orca, so I think this can as well be the start.
So please some of you orca hackers, please point me to the proper
starting point.
happy hacking.
> Will
> Krishnakant Mane wrote:
>> hi aruni and wili,
>> by co insidance, I was at a workshop yesterday and a visually handicap
>> person asked me about acrobat reader.
>> I am aware about what wili replied about the bugs not being cared to
>> by the adobe fokes.
>> I feel this is exactly what happens generally with a proprietory
>> software.  I think wili was right that evince must get more attention
>> than acrobat reader.
>> afterall what is wrong if we have a free (as in freedom) software to
>> read pdf documents become accessible with a free screen reader like
>> orca?
>> infact in that case we may not have to run after the proprietory fokes at
>> adobe.
>> not that there is any thing wrong in working on the acccessibility
>> front out there, but as a free software hacker and seeing the
>> bennifit, I believe that evince must get more attention for sure.
>> happy hacking.
>> Krishnakant.
>> On 19/06/2008, Aruni Sharma <libranarsh gmail com> wrote:
>>> Hi will, I would also like to add that I am not having much problem
>>> with SayAll command in other applications like FF#, Writer,
>>> thunderbird etc, as has been reported by some other people. Of course
>>> I have to switch from gnome-speech to speech-dispatcher sometimes to
>>> make it work.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ARuni.
>>> On 6/19/08, Willie Walker <William Walker sun com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Aruni:
>>>> We've not put a whole lot of effort into Adobe Reader in a long time, so
>>>> it indeed might be broken.  There were enough other issues with Reader,
>>>> btw, that we deemed it something to back burner until they addressed the
>>>> bugs we filed with them.  At some point we may ramp back up on the
>>>> Reader effort, but I would also like to see progress made on Evince
>>>> accessibility:
>>>> Will
>>>> Aruni Sharma wrote:
>>>>> Hello, The "SayAll" command is not working in the latest release of
>>>>> adobe reader. Do I need some extra configuration files or something.
>>>>> pls help.
>>>>> Aruni.
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