at-spi function Accessibility::Text::getBoundedRanges() fails. CORBA error?

I have been having a problem using the Accessibility::Text::
getBoundedRanges() function via both cspi and pyatspi.
This is at-spi version 1.22.1 on GNOME 2.22.3 (ubuntu hardy)

In order to test using pyatspi, I modified accerciser with some code (added to

      i = acc.queryText()
    except NotImplementedError:
      if isinstance(i, pyatspi.Accessibility.Text):
        print "yes! it's Text!"
        #br = i.getBoundedRanges(self.extents.x,
        #                        self.extents.y,
        #                        self.extents.width,
        #                        self.extents.height,
        #                        0,
        #                        pyatspi.Accessibility.TEXT_CLIP_NONE,
        #                        pyatspi.Accessibility.TEXT_CLIP_NONE)
        #print "got Bounded Ranges!"
        #for r in br:
        #  print "text in a Range: %s" % r.content

        # works
        x, y, width, height = i.getRangeExtents(0, i.characterCount, 0)
        print "x %d y %d width %d height %d" % (x, y, width, height)

The commented portion of code marked # CORBA COMM_FAILURE will always throw an exception and print the error "CORBA.COMM_FAILURE".
In addition it immediately crashes the application to which the text node belongs.
I've tried substituting hard-coded values for x,y,width,height as well as changing TEXT_CLIP_NONE to TEXT_CLIP_BOTH but encounter the same error.

Note that other functions like getRangeExtents() work fine.

Similarly in C, using cspi, I have tried to use getBoundedRanges:

        AccessibleTextRange **atr;

                printf("trying to get AccessibleTextRange hardcoded x y w h\n");
        atr = AccessibleText_getBoundedRanges(at, 0, 0,
                              100, 100,
                printf("stored AccessibleTextRange\n");

but it immediately crashes before the second printf. It is evidently a problem with getBoundedRanges.

Could someone tell me, is this a known problem with certain (all?) versions at-spi, or am I forgetting to do something before I call this function?
I noticed that the at-spi source package has an example (screen-review-test.c) that seems to have an alternative implementation of getBoundedRanges()
but that is slower. I am trying to figure out how to use it now, but is it worth it?
I don't want to use some alternative implementations that are impractically slow.

Thanks for your help,
Andrew Shu

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