Re: Empathy accessibility

On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 10:52 +0100, API wrote:

> Yes, this cell renderers are part of GTK [1], used a lot on the GtkTreeView [2].
> And yes there are a way to get the cell and expose the accessible name, in
> fact, this is what happens, but seems that in this concrete case there are
> a error (or that is what I understand, after read the bug comments [3].
OK. Apologies for all the newbie questions. I suppose the correct way to
do this is to learn how to code GTK/GObject in C to become comfortable
with its idioms, though I have no intentions of working in C other than
to look at accessibility issues in others' code, so that may be a r
roundabout way of accomplishing my objective. :)

So it looks as if libempathy-gtk is creating its own implementations of
various widgets. I don't think it's changing how the widgets perform,
just creating custom subclasses, and I'm wondering if this is messing
with the accessibility of what would otherwise be accessible widgets.

I'm not familiar with the GObject object/inheritance model. If a
subclass of TreeView is created, does it inherit the ATK information of
its parent, or do I need to explicitly set its role to that of its

I'm also afraid that I don't see a way to go from a CellRenderer to an
ATK object whose name I can set. Is there a
cell_renderer_get_accessible() somewhere that I'm missing? Or should I
be going at this by making the TreeView itself accessible such that,
when it uses the CellRenderer, it passes its own correct accessibility
information? Or should I somehow be assigning the CellRenderer a role?

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