Re: Comparing gs-mag dbus with g-mag dbus

 On 05/08/10 3:45 PM, Fernando Herrera wrote:
Hi Joseph, and thanks for this work!
No problem.  Glad it's useful.

{ name: 'shiftContentsTo', inSignature: 'ii', outSignature: 'b' },
Changes to gs-mag dbus:
No change, but *needs to be added to gnome-mag*.
What should this function do?
It's sort of the reverse of setRoi(). For setRoi(), the client passes a rectangle in screen coordinates that defines the region on the desktop to magnify, and the magnifier places that rectangle in the magnified view. shiftContentsTo() takes a coordinate that is the centre of the region-of-interest. The magnifier shifts the contents in the magnified view such that the given point is now centred within it. As a consequence, the (left, top, width, height) of the magnified view is the new roi. Note that the actual roi is not calculated, it simply follows from the size of the magnified viewport.

'Clown control to Mao Tse Tung.'
 - D. Bowie (misheard lyric) -

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