Finding GNOME a11y tasks for Project:Possibility students to work on

Project:Possibility [1] run the SS12 [2] weekend hack events where
around 60 CS students get to learn about open accessibility by working
on self contained 'project tasks'. The next event is in Feb 27/8 and
is a competition between traditional rivals UCLA and USC.

We'd like to find a number of GNOME a11y tasks that are suitable for
students to pick from a pool of suggested SS12 activities and get
excited about working on.

So I'm wondering if folks on this list can suggest ways to develop
ideas and assist in compiling a list? In general SS12 projects have
been development tasks like 'create an On Screen Keyboard' but as
Yippi pointed out they do not have to be pure coding and could even be
something like 'Fix a bug and see how many more you can find in GNOME
apps'. The tasks are judged and winners selected, so that needs to be
kept in mind.

The students also need mentoring and while people are present at the
event Stormy pointed out that having relevant GNOME developers on IRC
could extend that and provide an enhanced experience.

I'm hoping this will help bring some resource to GNOME a11y problems
and introduce students to real open development activity. They could
well remain engaged after the experience. I think this is great
opportunity. Can you help make it happen?

@Eitan: the next SS12 is 13 Mar at CSUN which seems tantalisingly
close to the GNOME a11y hack event, so perhaps there can be some sort
of connection, or continuation? Most of P:P are based around LA so
there may even be a chance for a f2f.


Steve Lee

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