Re: Accessible * reference

From: Nischal Rao <rao nischal gmail com>

> I am developing an assistive application and am using the AT-SPI C APIs.
> For any Accessible Object, I use the AccessibleAction_doAction(Accessible *,
> long int) to do a particular operation. As a result of that action a new
> window/application is created. I need to get a (Accessible *) reference to
> that window/application. Can anybody please tell me how to obtain that
> reference? (e.g., if i perform click action on an icon, a new (nautilus)
> window is created. I need to get an Accessible * reference to that window).

Well, I have one idea. Anyway, take into account that you are talking
about two totally different enviroments. It is not the same the case
"a new window" or "a new application" is created, so probably
different solutions are required.

In the case of the window: if this windows are new top level windows,
each time a new window is added, the root object emits a
"children-changed:added" signal, so you could try to connect to this

In the case of the application, probably you should check the at-spi
API, in order to check if there are any way to do that. Accerciser
does that, so check the accerciser code could be hepful.


API (apinheiro igalia com)

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