Re: Help Wanted for GUADEC


Will you be able to make it on the 26th of july (monday)? We can attract government institutions in Holland to the pre-conference, who would be very interested to hear about these projects.

José Félix Ontañón schreef:

El 4 de mayo de 2010 12:03, Sanne te Meerman <sanne opensourceadvies nl <mailto:sanne opensourceadvies nl>> escribió:
    Hi José,

    That's great to hear. You mean if I have more info about the
    Pre-conference in the Hague? Let me point you first to the GUADEC
    site, where there's a short text about it:

    Do you have a website of these projects, that I can put on the
    GUADEC site?


You're right, i misreaded about the pre-conference. Two of us at Emergya will trip to GUADEC so it's a
good chance to talk about a11y and plan activities.


    José Félix Ontañón schreef:

        2010/5/4 Lorenzo Gil Sanchez <lgs yaco es <mailto:lgs yaco es>
        <mailto:lgs yaco es <mailto:lgs yaco es>>>

           El mar, 04-05-2010 a las 10:05 +0200, Sanne te Meerman
           > Hi,
           > I'm Sanne te Meerman, from Holland, and I'm part of the
        dutch team
           > organising GUADEC. Some of you may know me, as I've been
           on the
           > marketing list.
           > I'm very interested in the A11y project, as it's a great
           > shows the power of GNOME and the possibilities of
        Free/Open Source
           > development. I'm currently organising a pre-conference on
        monday the
           > 26th of July. During this pre-conference, it would be
        great if
           > who have experience with i.e. the 'ONCE - a11y project'
        (I don't
           > the exact name of the project) in Extremadura could tell
           something about
           > the project.

           I think you mean the set of projects funded by the Consorcio
           Fernando de
           los Ríos, from Andalusia. There are a few of them and they
        are being
           developed by spanish companies. Some of them are going to
           tomorrow to give more details about how this is working and
           are the
           mid term goals from an a11y point of view.

           I work for one of those companies (Yaco) and I already
        talked with
           from some of those companies (Emergya and Onirica) and hope
        to see
           people from more companies (Warp) in the marketing hackfest
        to talk
           about these topics.

           Best regards,

        Hi! I'm J. Félix Ontañón from Emergya, thanks Lorenzo for
        introducing us.

        We will be pleased to talk about the gnome-a11y involved
        projects here in Andalusia,
        did you have more info about the Extremadura pre-conference?




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