Unity Update

Since it's listed as an agenda item for today's meeting, but I know I
can't make it and I'm fairly certain Luke can't either, I figured I'd
e-mail out a quick Unity update. I'm sure there's stuff in here that's
being repeated, but I'd rather repeat than leave something out.

As far as things that are not a11y related, but generally are of
interest to people go, Unity has now been ported to Compiz and the
Compiz version of Unity is availible in a PPA for Natty. I've also
been told that a PPA of Compiz Unity backported to Maverick will be
available soon.

On the a11y front, keyboard navigation is due out with Alpha 1 on
December 7th. As far as I've been told, things are on track for that,
but I will also double check on it.

As far as the actual Unity framework, Luke has been working on getting
a firm understanding of everything he needs to know about ATK. He
plans to start working on prototype code in the next week or so. The
framework is due into Unity by Alpha 2 which is February 2, 2011.

I think that's all I have for now. Don't hesitate to ask if you have
any questions!


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