Magnifier User Feedback Survey

I put a lot of thought into creating an unbiased survey since there have been a lot of disagreements about how effective my own feature (focus and caret tracking) has been since it's launch and generally about the magnifier's performance, graphics, current UI and the way improvements to it's features should be prioritised, since this has caused a lot of unnecessary delays in fixing bugs and improving the features a survey seems the most fair and logical way to reach a general consensus on what the priorities should be in the case of the current state of the component and it's associated work.

I am grateful to those who have responded already so far as now, we at least have some evidence based research to go on, in contrast to what we had before i.e. our own differing personal views which have been at a deadlock for almost a year since the magnifier tracking landed to date but I am still keen to get more responses in before time comes to present these results. It is my concern that these differing views we all seem to have may be resolved constructively, without evidence-based research at our disposal whilst the feedback we have already received informally in IRC and more formally on Bugzilla where bugs remain open (link : helps but seems not to be enough to motivate a consensus for progress enough to motivate those with the authority, to see fit to permit further improvements to go ahead in GNOME Shell now that the funding the magnifier has received over the years is all spent up, which has seemingly been the ongoing blocker to date.

It would be great to get some more respondents answering questions to gain more clear, conclusive results (courtesy of the central limit theorum). So, if users could please read, fill in and share this survey that would really help us serve your needs best Link:

Note: Respondents are free to edit answers as long as the survey remains open.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on the email provided below

Yours faithfully,
Magdalen Berns @thismagpie
m berns thismagpie com

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