Re: Accerciser and libreoffice

On 19/08/16 10:06, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:

COuld you tell me if, to help working on Libreoffice, Accerciser could be a relevant test tool? 

Accerciser is more a debugging tool, useful when you are implementing
accessibility support for some application.

So if you want to use it while improving Libreoffice accessibility
support: yes, it can be useful.

If you want to use it to create a test suite or a regression test suite,
I think that there are other better options.

I know Libreoffice uses GTK but I dont know wether accerciser could be enough to help making the User 
interface more accessible.

AFAIK, Libreoffice uses GTK for some stuff, but most of the UI is non-GTK.

In any case, Accerciser doesn't require the application being tested to
use GTK. Accerciser needs the relevant application to expose the
accessibility information through at-spi. For example, if you use
accerciser with Firefox, you could see the content from objects that in
origin are not GTK widgets.

An idea?  Or LO code would be more complex and accerciser not relevant?

See my previous comment. As I said it depends on your specific needs.

Thanks for your reply 


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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