gnome-speech Speech Dispatcher

Thank you, Jose, Gary, Luke, 
Peter, (and all members of the mailing list):

It is helpful to know about Speech Dispatcher.  I am not sure, though, it can meet my most pressing need in a 
speech synthesis system.

I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis).  Due to it, I have, among other symptoms, difficult to understand speech 
which is usually accompanied by weak speech.  

I am looking for software to help when I am having a bad voice day.  I need to be able to have a conversation 
with an able-bodied person.  Such software is often called AAC or SGD.  I wondered if GNOME did it.   

People with MS, ALS, TBI, stroke, autism, and other such conditions often develop a speech impairment, as I 

Are there plans to add this functionality to GNOME?  I am a potential, not current user.  A program which 
could run under GNOME would work.  A Linux program would work.

I do not know C.  I know FORTRAN.  


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