new mico 2.0.3 rpms

Yes, once again there is a new release of mico.  This version fixes some
bugs in the install script and the Event Service.  They should appear
shortly in the usual place.  Both libc5 and glibc binaries should be

Is anyone actually using these?  I finally got 64MB more of RAM and
compile times dropped significantly, FWIW.  Hopefully, these rpms are
useful for those people w/o the time or inclination to wait on this
thing to compile.



Jason Gilbert | |

"The total job will be in the software, and we'll be able to write big
fat programs. We can let them run somewhat inefficiently because there
will be so much horsepower that just sits there. The real focus won't
be who can cram it down in, or who can do it in machine language. It
will be on who can define the right user interface and properly
integrate the main packages." -- Bill Gates, PC Magazine 1982

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