Gnome Pim TEST-1.0.9 has been released

Hello guys,

   I have released a test version for gnome-pim-1.0.9, I would like
people to test this as much as possible.  Having someone do RPMS (Dax
perhaps) for this would be extremely helpful.

* Availability:

* New in this release

    ** New features

	* Russell Steinthal provided a priority-scheme for the TODO

	* We generate unique identifiers now for events, this should
	  enable people to use a hotsync tool to sync with the Palm
	  and other calendars.
	* Nat and I hacked the code to fit in smaller windows.
	  Finally the calendar should work in small screens.

	* --todo is now supported to get a list of TODOs.

	* Includes parts of the manual from Dave Mason.

    ** Importing fixes.

	* We import properly Netscape exported calendars (timezone
	  bug, thanks to Matt Martin for the fix).

	* Nicholas provided us with a bug fix for a problem triggered
	  by calendars exported by KOrganizer.

    ** Bug fixes

	* Varioius small bug fixes by Sergei, Nat and me.

	* Nicholas provided us with a fix for crashing situations we
	  had for imported calendars (during saving).

	* Jean-Noel provided us with a fix for properly moving one
	  month before/after taking into account months that have less
	  that 31 days.

	* Mike provided a fix for daylight saving times.

	* Anders fixed the code to support --hidden properly.

	* Robert Brady and Owen Cliffe fixed a problem with the year
	  view (a crash).
	* The code should display times properly in Solaris.

	* Work arounds for older and broken versions of other software

	* --userfile no longer crashes the calendar.

Enjoy, Miguel.

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