Announce: Jungle Monkey 0.1.5

Jungle Monkey 0.1.5 ("Gorilla Grod") is now available.  This release
contains GUI improvements, network configuration improvements, and many
bug and stability fixes.

Jungle Monkey (JM) is a distributed file sharing program.  You join
channels where people offer files for download.  You can offer your own
files and create your own channels as well.  Once you download a file,
others can connect to you to get that file.  You can also search for

0.1.5 ("Gorilla Grod" release)
* Vast GUI improvements
* Network configuration improvements
* Portability fixes for FreeBSD
* Many small bug and stability fixes
* Favorite channels can be bookmarked (a bit buggy, Gnome only)
* Not compatible with 0.1.4

      __          _    __ 
  ___/ /__ __  __(_)__/ /  David Helder - University of Michigan
 / _  / _ `/ |/ / / _  /

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