GConf 0.5


For those who don't know, GConf is a configuration database, sort of a
new-and-improved Registry. But before you post something dumb like
"registry sucks," please read the GConf documentation. ;-)

GConf is part of the GNOME 2.0 platform. See:


The latest snapshot release of GConf is available here:


The GConf API is believed to be stable and complete, the
implementation is reasonably well tested, and the documentation is
pretty good. The distribution comes with an overview article in
doc/intro-article.sgml and the usual reference documentation.
The reference docs are also available online:

Once you install GConf, to get it working you will need to move the 
file $(sysconfdir)/gconf/path.example to $(sysconfdir)/gconf/path.

If you have problems, copious error messages and debug spew are logged 
to the "user" syslog. To view this, add an entry like the following to
/etc/syslog.conf if you don't have one:
 user.*     /var/log/user

In this case you would then look at the contents of /var/log/user to
see the messages. It's worthy of note that some of the debug spew
reveals the contents of the GConf database, which is probably a
privacy problem for users once GConf is in production, but this is not
a stable release so it shouldn't be in production.

If you have problems getting GConf to work, feel free to send me mail;
try to include any error messages that show up on the console or in


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