bug-buddy 1.1 "West Nile" released


>From the murky depths of the Mighty Charles, a new version of
everyone's favorite B2B eCommerce solutions tool is now available.

The goal of bug-buddy is to make reporting bugs very simple and easy 
for the user, while making the reports themselves more useful and 
informative for the developer.

 * Availability:

        - ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/stable/sources/bug-buddy/bug-buddy-1.1.tar.gz

 * Fixes:

        - lots of compilation warnings are now gone

        - updated translations

 * Improvements:

        - Some email validation is now done (based on a patch from
          Robert Brady <robert suse co uk>)

        - IRIX support (David Kaelbling <drk sgi com>)

        - doesn't call gdb on directories (for evolution)

This release was brought to you by the letter `b' and the letter `t'.

"I've got nothing to say but that's ok." -- John Lennon

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