Release: Glimmer 0.9.14

Glimmer 0.9.14 has been released.

What it is:
Glimmer is a GTK+/GNOME based programmer's editor, formerly known as
CodeCommander. It is very similar to Nedit in functionality, but adds
many more features which make is a superior application for many
different types of programmers.

What it isn't:
Glimmer is not an IDE. Support for compiling and debugging is relatively
weak at the current time, but is expandable through Python or Guile.

Latest changes:
  Display line numbers.
  Display pixmaps in the GtkExText gutter.
  Bookmark support (add/remove/search forward/search backward)
  Fix replace bug (call gtk_extext_thaw() before displaying dialogs)
  Remove 2 more un-needed GtkExText exposes.
  Option to show full path in notebook tabs.
  Option to close all open files before opening a new session.
  Option to follow tab-stops, or have tabs be a constant width.
  Added Re-Highlight button to Highlight toolbar.


This is most likely the last version before 1.0, so I want everyone to
get in any feature requests/bug reports asap so I can try and rectify
them by the 1.0 release.

ICQ: 14727618
Use Glimmer for all of your GNOME coding needs.
./configure --prefix=/dev/mocha --enable-caffein --shots=3

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