ANN: Pan 0.11.94 "We Pass Through This World But Once"

Pan 0.11.94 "We Pass Through This World But Once" has been released.
It can be found at
What is Pan?

        Pan is a newsreader, loosely based on Agent and Gravity, which
        attempts to be pleasant to use for new and advanced users alike.
        It has all the typical features found in newsreaders and also
        supports offline newsreading, article filtering, multiple connections,
        and a number of extra features for power users and alt.binaries fans.

        It's also the only Unix newsreader to get a perfect score on the
        Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval evaluations.  See for the rest of the
        sales pitch.

About 0.11.94

        This is the fifth beta of 0.12.0, which began life as a gtk2 port
        of Pan 0.11.3, grew some new features and usability improvments,
        and is now (hopefully) shaking out the last bugs before 0.12.0.

Changes Since 0.11.93


        * Small UI improvments for copying articles to folders (#64867),
          watching/ignoring articles (#78006), the `next article'
          button (#82724), and reading a group for the first time (#82092).

        * Some good speed improvements in decoding, threading, and sorting.


        * Check that the article's charset is valid for the body. If not,
          warn the user and propose a better charset. Thanks to
          Frank Van Damme for reporting this. (#83045)

        * Fixed 0.11.91 bug that caused the header pane to get switched to
          the body pane when an article was cleared, such as when deleting
          an article or switching groups.  Thanks to Sam Solon for reporting
          this bug and providing a patch.

       * Fixed long-standing bug that could cause Pan to crash when deleting
          articles which had crossposts in a group that was being unloaded by
          Pan.  Thanks to bickingd for reporting this bug. (#82865)

        * Fixed long-standing bug that could cause Pan to crash when adding
          new tasks while the task manager dialog was open.  Thanks to
          Thomas Gamble for reporting this bug. (#82262)

        * Fixed minor bug that could give the wrong error message for
          articles that users tried to post without a Subject header. (#82828)

        * Fixed long-standing bug that could cause Pan to crash if the
          grouplist file was corrupt.  Thanks to Adam M for reporting
          this bug. (#72435)

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