Hello, The Fifth Toe team, Will LaShell, Scott Sibley and myself, are delighted to announce the availability of Fifth Toe 2.2.0. This is a release of extra applications that aren't part of the core/desktop releases. Extra bonus points to Will for kicking my butt into finishing up the release, and actually doing the grunt work. Development -------- Ghex 2.2.1 Glade 1.1.3 GOB 2.0.5 Memprof 0.5.1 Regexxer 0.4 Internet -------- Drivel - 0.9.1 gnomeicu - 0.99 Gnomemeeting 0.96.1 Pan - 0.13.4 tsclient - 0.104 Xchat - 2.0.1 Productivity ------------ Abiword 1.1.4 Dia 0.91 gcalctool - 4.2.43 libgda - 0.11.0 libgnomedb - 0.11.0 mergeant - 0.11.0 libmrproject - 0.9.1 mrproject - 0.9.1 Video/Sound ----------- camorama - 0.16 gnomeradio - 1.4 gthumb - 2.1.1 totem - 0.96.0 Misc ---- fontilus - 0.4 gnome-chord2 - 0.7.0 gok - 0.6.0 gswitchit - 2.0.2 gucharmap - 0.4.0 seti-applet 2.1.2 stickynotes - 1.0.11 zenity - 1.0 seahorse - 0.6.2 Find out the descriptions, home pages and ChangeLogs for all these nice applications on http://5toe.lyrical.net/ Download this all on: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/fifth-toe/2.2/2.2.0/sources Enjoy, Bastien Nocera, on behalf of the Fifth Toe Team PS: If you are a developer and wish to update the records for your application, or wish to get your application in the Fifth Toe releases, see the website above. -- /Bastien Nocera http://hadess.net #2 0x4205a2cc in printf ("Oh my %s\n", preferred_deity) from /lib/i686/libc.so.6 printf ("Oh my %s\n", preferred_deity); Segmentation fault
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