GTetrinet 0.5.0


GTetrinet 0.5.0


GTetrinet is a Tetrinet client using Gtk+ and GNOME-libs.
Tetrinet is a variant of the popular Tetris brick game, that can be played
simultaneously by 6 players. GTetrinet's goal is to remain completely
compatible with the Windows, original client. Tetrinet clients need to
connect to a dedicated server in order to be useful. GTetrient only provides
the client part, but there are plenty of available servers around.
Look at for a list of servers.


Here it is! GTetrinet 0.5.0 is our first GNOME2-based version. Besides the
port, many improvements have been introduced in the UI, and some bugs have
been squashed, but most people will just care of how nice GTetrinet looks
with their desktop now :) Or, mostly nice, because we need to work on the
icons a bit more... but that'll be in another version :)

I'd like to thank James Antill and Dani Carbonell for all their work on this
release. Without them, 0.5.0 would not be out at this time.

Please contact me at jordi sindominio net to report problems with this version.
We'll probably create a gtetrinet mailing list in the near future to make
sure no feedback gets lost.

- Finally, GNOME2 port!
- The configuration is now read from the ~/.gnome2/gtetrinet file. If you
  want to keep your old config, moving ~/.gnome/gtetrinet to the new
  location should be enough.
- GTetrinet now remembers and restores the last used server in the
  connect dialog.
- The "discard special" key can now be configured.
- The toolbar now has icons, as well as the application window.
- GTetrinet will switch to the apropriate notebook page when you connect
  to a server, and when the game starts or ends.
- Several other improvements.

(might take a while to appear, depends on SF's mood today.)

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi sindominio net     jordi debian org
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