ANNOUNCE: CVSGnome Build Script 0.3.9


CVSGnome Build Script 0.3.9


CVSGnome is a modern powerful GNOME build script. It's able to build from
stable Tarballs or CVS.

- 0.3.9 - updated to the most recent tarball versions.
        - compiler flags changed from -O4 to -O2 for more stability in
          some applications. stuff tend to break operation such as the
          scheduler in gstreamer for example.
        - parallel installation of automake-1.4-p6, automake-1.6.3 and
        - updated autoconf to use a new version.
        - updated libtool to use a new version.
        - updated pkgconfig to use a new version.
        - added startup-notification as bootstrap requirement.
        - removed libzvt from the list of checkouts.
        - removed metatheme from the list of checkouts.
        - rearranged the modules list again.
        - added gnome-themes to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added gnome-system-tools to the list of checkouts and
        - added nautilus-cd-burner to the list of checkouts and
        - added nautilus-media to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added fontilus to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added gthumb to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added gcalctool to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added acme to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added totem to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added libmrproject to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added mrproject to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added monkey-media to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - added rhythmbox to the list of checkouts and tarballs.
        - FAQ reworked.

          thanks to:
                Sven Herzberg <herzi gnome-de org>

          for bugging me all the time to release a new version :)

          >>> important instructions <<<

          note: it has been some time that i updated cvsgnome and a lot
                of things has been changed. i now spent 1.25 days in
                updating this script (tarball and cvs), updating the
                correct tags as i know them and testing the configure
                logs for problems which took a lot of time. as you see
                this version has a little script called 'helper' that
                you need to activate. in a normal build i expect this
                script to fail 3 times:

        - libgnomedb, wants scrollkeeper,
        - gnome-media, wants gstreamer,
        - gal, wants libgnomeprint-2.0 and libgnomeprintui-2.0

                to make life easier for you either you build from cvs
                or tarballs, do this. as soon as you get one of these
                problems, cd into the directory where gnome gets build
                in the default case this is /tmp/gnome. you see a lot
                of directories and tarballs there. now run 'helper' in
                that directory and it starts to checkout some required
                tarballs and if you build from tarballs it also patches
                totem-0.13.1 and monkey-media-0.6.1. this only works in
                the tempdir so make sure you are in the right dir. for
                the cvs version no patches will be applied and only the
                tarballs get checked out. i know this could have been
                done much easier within the script itself but i don't
                want to spent more time with cvsgnome than i did now.
                after the checkout and after the patches has been
                applied run cvsgnome again and enter:

                depack libgnomeprint-1.116.3
                depack libgnomeprintui-1.116.3
                depack gstreamer-0.5.2
                depack gst-plugins-0.5.2
                depack scrollkeeper-0.3.12

                after this has been done enter:

                build libgnomeprint-1.116.3
                build libgnomeprintui-1.116.3
                build gstreamer-0.5.2
                build gst-plugins-0.5.2
                build scrollkeeper-0.3.12

                it should build and install all the requirements in one
                go and hopefully without any errors. after this load
                cvsgnome again and enter 'world' or 'world stable' to
                continue with the build normally. this is only a
                temporarely solution and will get solved in future
                versions of this script. for other problems such as
                pango fails, xft2 or broken modules either read the FAQ
                or report to


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