A new version of BLAM!, and the crowd goes wild with excitement!

So, hacking on BLAM! to release 1.0.53 the other day I realized how much
I've missed hacking in C# so I spent another day in it and fixed a
couple of things that I noticed when starting to use BLAM! again.

For those that don't know what BLAM! is, it is an RSS reader and
specially suited for reading planets around the world.


News in this release:

      * Added possibily to chose sorting order of entries
      * Raise and refresh all if the application is launched again
        instead of starting another instance. 
      * Write out the XML file after 5 minutes of not updating instead
        of only
        when you exit.
      * ROUNDED CORNERS in item view, MVP (Most Valuable Patch) by
        Richard Hult.
      * Updated translations (no, cs, sv)

Download it from here if you want to give it a spin:

Uh oh, I also added a product in Bugzilla so please report bugs when you
find them:

  Mikael Hallendal
Imendio HB,

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