Marlin 0.4 released

Now thats those out of the way, Marlin is a sound sample editor based
on Gnome and GStreamer. It edits samples.

Extended notes: 
Its a sample editor.
* I've had it opening wav, mp3, ogg vorbis, flac, mpg, avi and mod
files. I imagine it can open more file types than that, but I don't
have any others.
* Saves to wav, mp3, ogg vorbis and uses the Gnome-Media profiles as well.
* Horizontal and vertical scaling.
* Playback and recording
* CDDA Extraction (with optionally Musicbrainz track info
lookup...everyone say Ohhhhhhh)
* Selection manipulation
* Cut, Copy, Paste, Mix and Replace clipboard operations.
* Gnome-VFS support
* Some simple sample effects and edits.

Bugs if you find them (shouldn't be hard) to If
you find a file that doesn't load but is fine in other GStreamer based
applications then open a new bug for it and make bug number 148817
depend on it.

Web page is Umm, what else, sorry these notes suck
major ass, but hey, just be thankful I got work done on Marlin anyway,
I've had a hard 6 months :)

Obligitory plea for stuff:
Marlin development might go a bit faster if people send me stuff. A
fender jaguar would be nice, old broken guitar effects pedals
too...and someone (Thomasvs?) mentioned that it might be nice if
Marlin could scrub if you had an editing board with a scrub wheel
attached. I agree, that would be nice, but I don't have a board like
(Warning: Depending on how cool the toys are to play with, Marlin
development might not go as fast as you hope...though to be honest, I
don't think it could slow down much more really.)

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