Guikachu 1.3.7: GNOME Resource editor for PalmOS projects

Dear users of both large and small computing tools,

A new development release of Guikachu is available.

About Guikachu
Guikachu is a GNOME application for graphical editing of resource
files for PalmOS-based pocket computers. The user interface is
modelled after Glade, the GNOME UI builder.

Catch it all from

 * Uses GNOME-VFS, you can load files from anywhere, e.g. from the
   Web, from an SMB share, from a tarball.
 * Exporting to PilRC .rcp files
 * Support for non-Palm PilRC targets (like the eBookMan)
 * Support for the following PalmOS resource types:
	- String and string list resources
	- Dialog resources
	- Menu resources
	- Form resources
	- Bitmap resources
	- Per-application resources (e.g. version number)
 * WYSIWYG Form Editor, with drag & drop capability and visual resizing
 * Flexible, complete undo support
 * Sample file with sample GNU PalmOS SDK-based application
 * Documentation (a complete user's manual)

About these releases
This release is part of the 1.3 development branch, so it's all about
crazy experimentations and not about providing a polished, well-tested
product -- so don't quite replace your 1.2 Guikachu just yet.

New in this version:
  * Text positioning fixes
  * Support for graphical buttons and other widgets
  * Now you can use the same ID for different widgets if they are in
    different Forms
  * New (Czech) and updated translations
  * Documentation updates

Guikachu uses GTKmm and GNOMEmm for its user interface. I/O is
implemented via GNOME-VFS, the XML storage format is managed with the
libxml package. Dialog windows are loaded via libglade. GConf is used
to store user preferences. You will need the versions of these
packages available in the GNOME 1.4 bundle (with the exception of
GNOMEmm which you will need to upgrade to the recently released
version 1.2.4). The ImageMagick library is used for managing bitmap
resources. To actually create the PalmOS resource files, you will also
need PilRC (part of the GNU PalmOS SDK) to compile the .rpc files
produced by Guikachu.

Beware of bugémons!


   .--= ULLA! =---------------------.   `We are not here to give users what
   \     \   they want'  -- RMS, at GUADEC 2001
    `---= cactus cactus rulez org =---'
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