Yelp 2.5.91 (2.6 Release Candidate)

Yelp 2.5.91: "Positron"

This is the release candidate for the upcoming 2.6 release of GNOME.
Barring last-minute show-stopper bugs (like, say, #137216) 2.6.0 will
look just like this, except possibly with more translations.

What is it?
Yelp is the default help viewer for GNOME.  It can read documentation
written in DocBook and HTML.

What's changed?
* Fix for #137216, infinite loop in tree traversal.    (Shaun McCance)
* Updated translations:
  be      (Ales Nyakhaychyk)
  bn      (Sayamindu Dasgupta)
  da      (Ole Laursen)
  el      (Nikos Charonitakis)
  en_CA   (Alexander Winston)
  ga      (Alastair McKinstry)
  nn      (Åsmund Skjæveland)
  pt_BR   (Estêvão Samuel Procópio)
  sr      (Danilo ¦egan)
  sr Latn (Danilo ¦egan)
  th      (Paisa Seeluangsawat)
  uk      (Maxim Dziumanenko)

Where can I get it?

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