GGV 2.6.0

"Zu neuen Taten, teurer Helde!"

Honouring the maturity of the latest incarnation of your favourite
developer platform, desktop environment, espresso machine and escort
girl - GNOME 2.6.0, here is the latest and greatest release of the most
seductive PostScript previewer of all times:

GGV 2.6.0 features the following improvements over the 2.4.x series:

  - a recent files menu,
  - better support for fullscreen mode,
  - range selection in the page list,
  - use of the new GTK+ 2.4 widgets and other features,
  - new documentation,
  - the usual injection of HIGgification,
  - simplified user interface. 

In order to preserve the merry spirit of this announcement, I will omit
the gory details of bug squashing that has been under way for some time
now and has even managed to eliminate some persistent insects that
remained in the 2.4.x series after the 2.4.0 release.

Developers reusing the GGV control in their own projects will probably
rejoice because of better error reporting via exceptions thrown by the
GgvPostScriptView object.

All of us people speaking strange languages will be happy to hear that
GGV is fully translated into 35 languages and their dialects and
partially translated into 21 more.

Besides my humble self, Glynn Foster, chenthill, Shakti Sen, The Written
Word, Mikael Brockman and Janecek have been messing around with the

Breda McColgan of Sun has been kind enough to provide GGV with a shiny
new documentation set.

Danilo, Artur, Arturo, a pair of Christians, Kjartan, Dafydd, Duarte,
Guntupalli, Tino, Takeshi, Kostas, Miloslav, Åsmund, Lucas, Sanlig,
Tomas, Arafat, Laurent, Francisco Javier, Francesco, Christophe, Jordi,
Sayamindu, Kees, Gustavo Maciel Dias, Changwoo, Mətin, Hasbullah,
Alastair, Paisa, Ole, Priit, Žygimantas, Funda, Stanislav, Maxim and
myself have been translating the strings.

There were probably many more that have helped father GGV but forgot to
leave their footprint in one of the ChangeLogs or I, sadly, failed to
mention them today.

Thank you all!

GGV, an offspring of many parents, will be available at:

as soon as the mirrors sync!

have an euphoric release,


email: jaka gnu org

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