gnome-desktop 2.9.2 ("Commençons à faire le ménage... quand on aura le temps")

gnome-desktop is a small package that contains the libgnome-desktop
library and some documents installed as part of the core GNOME
distribution (a copy of the GPL, LGPL and FDL licenses, the gnome-about
program and icons).

This is the "Commen�s �aire le m�ge... quand on aura le temps"
release: there are some plans to make this package even smaller. We just
need some time to make this happen.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.

This release is available at

Changes in gnome-desktop 2.9.2

  * move some icons in gnome-applets & gnome-icon-theme (David Madeley,
  * move data files for the menus to gnome-menus (Mark)
  * don't use some deprecated functions (Vincent)

  * Meelad Zakaria (fa)
  * Zuza Software Foundation (nso)


Les gens heureux ne sont pas press�

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