Application =========== GNOME CPUFreq Applet 0.3 Description =========== GNOME CPUFreq Applet is a CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor for GNOME Panel Features ======== * Support for proc or sys filesystems * Support for multiprocessor systems Prerequisites ============= * GNOME 2 libraries * GNOME Panel libraries * GNOME-VFS libraries * GConf Overview of Changes in GNOME CPUFreq Applet 0.2.1 ================================================= * Added the possibility to change the CPU Frequency (Carlos García) * Improved the behavior in userspace governor and /proc interface. Fixes Debian bug #273041 (Carlos García) * Support for new governors (Dominik Brodowski, Carlos García) * Not show the cpu number in the tooltip in monoprocessor systems (Carlos García) * Other minor bug fixes (Carlos García) * New and updated translations: - de (Hendrik Brandt) Thanks to Alan Swanson, Dominik Brodowski, Marius Gedminas, etc. for bug reporting Additional Notes ================ The applet is now able to change the CPU frequency. To do that, a generic command line tool will be installed, and the applet will use it. Since it's needed to be root to change the CPU frequency, the command line tool will be installed suid root. But, this default behavior could be altered by passing arguments to the configure script. If you don't want to install the command line tool, you can use -- disable-frequency-selector If you want to install the command line tool, but you don't want it suid root, you can use --enable-suid=no Tarballs can be downloaded from applet-0.3.tar.gz CVS GNOME CPUFreq Applet is currently being packaged as part of Debian Unstable Screeshots Bugs can be reported to carlosgc gnome org Suggestions, patches, comments, etc can be sent to carlosgc gnome org GNOME Files =========== -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Carlos Garcia Campos a.k.a. KaL elkalmail yahoo es carlosgc gnome org =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PGP key:
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