ANNOUNCE: gperfmeter (gnome-perfmeter) v2.0.47 [hopefully stable].

Gperfmeter (gnome-perfmeter) monitors the performance of a system and
displays a dynamic, graphical overview of how the system is performing. 
The application displays strip charts and bar charts to represent system 
performance for the main performance parameters.

This release is not for any official GNOME distribution. It's just been
5-6 months since I last did one.

Note that gperfmeter needs the rpc.rstatd daemon to be running on the
system it's monitoring for it to work correctly. This is automatically
available on Solaris systems. I've had alternative experiences on other
various UNIX/Linux systems. There are also several alternate applications 
that provide the same functionality for the Linux platform.

Changes since the last gperfmeter version (2.0.25) - read from the bottom up:

* The "Local host:" UI component on the preferences sheet was not hooked up 
  to the PropsToggleCB callback in props.c.

* Fixed bug #163374. Right clicking over the labels in the meter drawing 
  areas, now correctly display the gperfmeter menu.

* Fixed bug #163282. gperfmeter now uses color .png images to show a 
  dead or sick host, rather the the previous monochrome .xpm files.

* Fixed bug #163281. Several problems:
  - One of the Glade attributes for the Hosts_Combo wasn't being set.
  - The LogFile_Entry widget wasn't connected up.
  - All the accessibility information in the Glade file had been lost.
  - Needed to check for a null widget being passed into the SetSensitive
    function in props.c.

* More work on bug #163290. Changes to fixup the Gtk-CRITICAL assertions
  that were occuring.

* More work on bug #163290. Replaces the GtkOptionMenu with a GtkComboBox.

* More work on bug #164324. A much cleaner solution. Also shares the 
  various similar menu items in the menu bar menus and the popup menu 
  over the chart area.

* More work on bug #163290. The GnomeColorPicker code has been changed to
  use GtkColorButton (including the needed changes in the

* Fixed bug #164324. Replaced all occurances of GtkItemFactory with GtkAction.

* Refixed up the three occurances where get_menubar_widget() should have
  been looking for "/View/Menubar" not "/View/Menu Bar", by adjusting
  the actual "/View/Men_ubar" definition in the GtkItemFactoryEntry struct.

* Refixed bug #162650. The GOption changes from the fix for bug #163310 
  caused a regression with the option displaying of the host name in the 
  graph display area when gperfmeter was restarted a subsequent time.

* Fixed up three occurances where get_menubar_widget() should have 
  been looking for "/View/Menu Bar" not "/View/Menubar".

* Partial fix for bug #163310. Gperfmeter now uses GOption calls rather 
  than popt for parsing command line options.

* Fixed bug #164199. Fixed a potential SEGV in the expand_tilde() routine.

* Small adjustment to the color_to_string() routine to simplify it.

* Partial fix for bug #163897. Removed usage of sprintf, printf, and 
  strcat and replaced them with the glib equivalents.

* Fixed bug #163280. New icon for gperfmeter from Eugenia Loli-Queru.

* Rest of the fix for enhancement #163289. More changes to get gperfmeter 
  to use glib routines for memory and string management.

* Partial fix for enhancement #163289. Various changes to get gperfmeter to 
  use glib routines for memory and string management.

* Fixed bug #163091. Slight adjustments to correct various menu item labels.

* Fixed bug #162650. gperfmeter now optionally displays the remote host name 
  (or "localhost") below the graph display area. This is set via a checkbox 
  on the Preferences sheet.

* Adjusted the AC_PROG_INTLTOOL definition in to not rely
  on a specific version.

* From Laszlo Peter <Laszlo dot Peter at Sun dot COM>
  Make gperfmeter install the .mo files in the correct directory on
  Solaris. The explanation is that "host" is defined by a macro called
  AC_CANONICAL_HOST and several other macros depend on its value,
  including AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT.  Since it couldn't identify the system
  as Solaris, it put the locale stuff to /usr/lib/locale instead of

* Fleshed out the README file.

* was missing from the tarball distribution.


You can download this new version from:    

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