ANNOUNCEMENT: Seahorse 0.8

A stable release.

About Seahorse:

 Seahorse is a GNOME application for managing PGP keys.
 It also integrates with nautilus, gedit and other places
 for encryption, decryption and other operations. Seahorse
 is based on GPG and GPGME.

 This release implements most 'PGP type' functionality and
 should be useful for anyone familiar with OpenPGP.

 Current work on seahorse is going into making encryption
 easier for end users to use and (where needed) comprehend.
 The 0.9.x releases will reflect this.

Changes between 0.7.9 and 0.8:

    * Fixed crasher in seahorse-agent when used with GPG 1.4.2
    * Now works with gedit 2.12 [Mike Gardiner]
    * Several crasher and smaller fixes.

Updated Translations:

    * Iassen Pramatarov, Alexander Shopov (bg)
    * Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó (ca)
    * Ilkka Tuohela (fi)
    * David Soulayrol, Christophe Merlet (fr)
    * Pawan Chitrakar (ne)


 Source code:
 [MD5 sum: bea0a4c349637b51573dcd9a9b2dc35c]

 Seahorse 0.8 requires GPGME 1.0 or later and GPG 1.2.x or 1.4.x:


    * The website and other online resources haven't been updated to
      reflect the new release. This will occur shortly.
    * Bug reports are appreciated should be filed in the GNOME Bugzilla.

 Nate Nielsen

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