Labyrinth 0.1 "The Beginning Stages of..." Released


I am pleased to announce the first (proper) release of Labyrinth.
Version 0.1: "The Beginning Stages of..."

What is it?

Labyrinth is a mind-mapping tool for GNOME.  Written in Python and using
Cairo for its drawing.

Screenshots and (a little) more info is available at its temporary home:

What's in it?

Version 0.1 allows the creation and editing of text "thoughts" on a
canvas.  These thoughts can also be linked to other thoughts.  It
provides Tomboy-style loading and saving of maps and a nice browser to
see available maps.

Getting the code

This release can be downloaded using the link:
with the md5 sum: 51c71329c4592c047f64f76939729077

Do the ./configure && make dance and the result can be run either from
the working directory:
python src/
or it can be installed with 'make install' and run with:


Development is currently happening in a private SVN repo sitting on my
computer :(  I hope sometime soon, this will be fixed in some way and
the devel will be moved into the open.

Note also that bug reports (and feedback) should go to
DonScorgie Blueyonder co uk, instead of any bugzilla system or anything
crazy^H^H^H^H^H sensible like that.


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