cheese 0.3.0

4 months development time, uncountable hours of work, 170 svn revisions,
about 50 fixed bugs, 40 new features, at least 2 easter..ehm christmas
eggs and pretty high number of actual code changes. and yes, we are
donating the numbers i mentioned above to YOU!
and yes you are right again, you can get our packaged parcel by pressing
here! [1]

what is it?
Cheese is a Photobooth-inspired GNOME application for taking pictures
and videos from a webcam. It also includes fancy graphical effects based
on the gstreamer-backend.

what's changed in 0.3.0?
      * add a shutter sound, when taking a photo
      * sort the thumbnail chronologically
      * make the effect chooser look a bit nicer
      * give thumbnails a frame like in nautilus and eog. fixes bug
      * enable shortcuts if the mouse pointer is over the xoverlay.
        fixes bug #493196
      * add new shortcuts 
              * space for take a photo/start-stop recording
              * ctrl q for exiting
              * f1 for help
              * delete for removing a photo or video
      * add a gconf backend
      * chosen effects are stored in gconf. fixes bug #488834
      * store the used webcam device in gconf. partially fixes bug
      * use a throbber, when the camera is loading
      * add drag and drop support to the iconview
      * vertical and horizontal flip were switched. fixes bug #479238
      * many usability improvements. partially fixes bug #501337
      * point to the right homepage in the about dialog
      * add a boilerplate for a manual in cheese. partially fixes
      * make video and photo button a toggle button. fixes bug #498022
      * make links on about dialog clickable. fixes bug #499425
      * translate menu items created by gtkuimanager, fixes bug #500821
      * change the first item in menu to "Cheese"
      * add a "Move all to trash" option
      * use gtkuimanager for the menu
      * give the ability to record videos from the menu
      * provide access to the effect chooser using the menu
      * use radio buttons in the menu to change between photo and video
      * use HAL to detect webcams
      * make ximagesink an xvimagesink work for all cameras
      * only use raw video formats. fixes bug #502174
      * use the highest resolution for each camera
      * add --verbose command line option, fixes bug #499399
      * cheese was refactored and uses now a webcam class
      * removed some memory leaks
      * fixed many, many bugs
      * added/updated translations 
              * ar, courtesy of Djihed Afifi
              * ca, courtesy of Carlos Garcia Porcel
              * cs, courtesy of Vitezslav Kotrla
              * de, courtesy of Andre Klapper
              * el, courtesy of Athanasios Lefteris
              * es, courtesy of Jorge González
              * fr, courtesy of Pierre Slamich
              * gl, courtesy of Ignacio Casal Quinteiro
              * it, courtesy of Alessandro Falappa
              * nb, courtesy of Kjartan Maraas
              * oc, courtesy of Yannig Marchegay
              * pt, courtesy of Miguel Rosa
              * ro, courtesy of Anastase Valentin
              * sl, courtesy of Deni Bačić
              * sv, courtesy of Daniel Nylander

where can i get it?
you can get it by pressing here! [1]

what does it look like?

with this christmas release we wish you all a happy christmas and a good
start into the new year. we would love to get some christmas pictures of
you and your friends, family, childrens, santas and reindeers ;)

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