ANNOUNCE: Gtk2-Perl 2.18.3

This is Gtk2-Perl, a set of Perl bindings for various GNOME
libraries.  It includes:

  * Glib            1.144
  * Gnome2          1.040
  * Gnome2::Canvas  1.002
  * Gnome2::GConf   1.040
  * Gnome2::VFS     1.060
  * Gtk2            1.145
  * Gtk2::GladeXML  1.006

Tarballs can be downloaded from:

Changes in this release:

Overview of changes in Gtk2 1.145

* Fix test failures and compilation problems.  [Torsten, Mario Fischer]
* Make Gtk2::ListStore's and Gtk2::TreeStore's move_before() and move_after()
  accept undef for the position parameter.  [Torsten]
* Supply default values for Gtk2::IconView::scroll_to_path().  [Torsten]
* Plug reference leaks on the pixmap and bitmap returned from
  Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf::render_pixmap_and_mask() and
  render_pixmap_and_mask_for_colormap().  [muppet]
* Hide Gtk2::AboutDialogs constructed with Gtk2::show_about_dialog on any
  reponse.  [muppet]

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