We are happy to announce next development release of Evince * What is it ? ============== Evince is a document viewer. It primarily displays pdf, though djvu, tiff, dvi, impress slides, postscript and even comics archives are also supported. More information can be found at http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/ * Where to get it ? =================== Evince is available at: http://download.gnome.org/sources/evince/0.9/evince-0.9.3.tar.gz md5sum: 0bd0c32b96fc46dcbfb029f68ba319f6 size: 2.1M http://download.gnome.org/sources/evince/0.9/evince-0.9.3.tar.bz2 md5sum: 64259f5b7084f5c98b463eb42b000114 size: 1.5M * What's changed ? ================== New Features and UI Improvements: * Use new GTK+ tootlips (Carlos Garcia Campos) * Printing multiple pages per sheet (Carlos Garcia Campos) * Added UNIX-like key bindings hjkl (Cosimo Cecchi) Bug fixes: * Do not block while enumerating printers in preview mode (Christian Persch) * Show new pages as soon as they are rendered even if other page elements like forms, images or links are not ready yet (Carlos Garcia Campos) * Provide different options in the print dialog depending on document type backend capabilities (Carlos Garcia Campos) Translations: Jorge González (es) Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio (eu) Ilkka Tuohela (fi) Gabor Kelemen (hu) Arangel Angov (mk) Wouter Bolsterlee (nl) Funda Wang (zh_CN)
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